Our long awaited journey to Thailand has finally returned, and the word that describes it best is Adventure! Our group hopped aboard the Mermaid II and made the trek into the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of Myanmar. This was the first trip that the Mermaid II had made back into Myanmar in the last six months, as the boat had recently returned from Indonesia. Our fabulous store owner Troy was the trip leader for this excursion and this is the report I got from him when they returned:
From the start of the trip they were treated with incredible customer service, as Troy called the boat "one of the nicer live-aboards he had ever been on." Their staff was friendly, helpful and extremely knowledgeable about the surrounding area. They also provided a fantastic ratio for our customers, having 1 divemaster for every 2-3 divers. Once in the water they marveled at the untouched reefs of the archipelago, miles of colorful anemones, beautifully camouflaged rock fish, and Troy's first encounter with a Leopard Shark. Also, mating season was in full swing as the Cuttle Fish, Octopus, and Nudibranchs were all doing the tango of love for our divers to witness.
Previous to our arrival they had 2 weeks of rain, but once we got there the clouds parted ways and the sun was out for the entire trip. They journeyed 440 miles aboard the boat, which seemed like nothing at all as they dined on "fabulous Thai cuisine" served by the outstanding crew; everything from seafood to thai and pasta to salad was fantastic.
Over all it was a great trip and we highly recommend that you pencil in Thailand as one of your dive destinations in the near future.